In the research project 'the effect of the bioresponse system for caregivers of adults with visual and severe/profound intellectual disabilities', we study whether modern technology can support professional caregivers in better understanding and responding to their client's behaviour. We evaluate the effects of the bioresponse study in a randomized multiple baseline study with a baseline, intervention and follow-up phase.
Two client-caregiver dyads from Bartiméus and two client-caregiver dyads from Royal Dutch Visio have participated in our study. Each client-caregiver dyad took part in 21 measurements (and video recordings) over a period of 5 months. During these measurements, the dyads performed three tasks: two play moments and one daily caregiving situation (having lunch or a cup of coffee).
Eight Master's students from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam have coded the video recordings on the caregiver's sensitivity towards the client's behaviour, the quality of the interaction between client and caregiver, and the client's challenging behaviour. Five Bachelor's students (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) have coded the video recordings for joint attention behaviour. At the moment, we are processing and analysing the data. Furthermore, one student is coding the video recordings on the arousal and valence of the client's behaviour. The arousal and valence scores will be compared with the sensor recording made by the smart sock. We are in the final stage of this project and expect to present the results of our study next year.
Related research
The bioresponse system is also used in the research of:
Publications concerning the bioresponse system:
The bioresponse systeem is developed from the Sense system, which is designed for parents of children with the Prader-Willi syndrome. The following two scientific publications concern the Sense system :
The sock used during a play moment
Mother and daughter using the bioresponse system while singing a song together
The Sense system - the system preceeding the bioresponse system
© 2018
Eindhoven University of Technology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Department of Industrial Design
Department of Behavioural and Movement Sciences
Future Everyday group
Clinical Child andFamily Studies section